NFL handicapping with Teambios

Most sports bettors and handicappers are very happy to get a 55% win percentage in the NFL on any given week. However, in developing my Teambios NFL program I used my copyrighted software to create weekly spreadsheets which requires each column to have a win percentage of greater than 60% against the spread (ATS). These spreadsheets contain 30 such columns.

For those who use statistics and data from previous games with previous players they’ve found it less predictable for sports betting. Now, after 45 years of research, regression testing and development of my Teambios software you can take advantage of 65% to 75% winners versus the spread!

I know these kinds of win percentages are unheard of in the standard world of NFL handicapping so take a look at one of our spreadsheets which was run over a three-year period which avoids the COVID Pandemic. During the Pandemic we saw that the teams would sometimes move the dates of the games to be played and players were often changed due to some of them contracting COVID. Had we used the years involving COVID we saw a reduction of 11% in our spreadsheets which included dates of games during the pandemic period.

Teambios For All Sports – Individual or Team Sports

If they are human playing the sport then they have a biorhythm so my programs predictability is high on all sports such as theNFL, NBA, Soccer, MLB, Golf to name a few.


After completing a 45-year study of the effects of biorhythm upon the human condition, I have compiled the results into a fascinating software program. Simply enter your name and birth date into the database to compute your biorhythm for any date in the future or in the past. You will find very interesting "descriptions" of what your day will be like for various combinations of the three biorhythmic cycles. These descriptions are based upon numerous events recorded over the past forty-five years supporting the effects of biorhythm. The descriptions are designed to enable you to take advantage of positive points in each of the three biorhythmic cycles and make you aware of times where difficulties may arise. This will enable you to optimize your physical, emotional and intellectual attributes allowing you to get the most from the biorhythm within you. Once you have my app you will be able to become the best that you can be – AND know when that is most likely to occur!

Several symbols represent specific points in each of the cycles. See the chart below to identify the symbols that are assigned to represent each section of the biorhythmic cycle. Be sure to find the secrets of a lifetime by finding the symbols "H" and “C” and "L" in your biorhythm – when these symbols show up on the screen output of my program, you have the potential for highly unusual luck. These are the four luckiest days in your life. You’ll also find that your lucky events can also occur near the apogee or near the peak of the emotional cycle. These are the 7th, 8th and 9th days of the emotional cycle. Many people have unusual luck at the lowest point (perigee) of the emotional cycle which is the 22nd day but most frequently over the 45 years I’ve found the 8th day to yield the luckiest days for me and others whom I’ve observed.


There are a number scientific reasons why the performance of a player is affected by biorhythm. We have expanded the effect of biorhythm on an athlete to measure the effect on an entire team's performance. We have “Teambios” which we plan to develop into a mobile app in 2025. In our 3-year regression testing it attains between 69% and 82% depending on the lunar phase which require specific algorithms in each of the 30+ columns in three different spreadsheets.. In my Data Analysis Spreadsheet (DAS). The 3-year testing selects games with a significant biorhythmic difference between two teams. For example, in the NFL we have developed 30+ columns with specific algorithms in each. My forthcoming online program or mobile app then adds all of them to determine the initial handicapped selection. After that process is completed specific handicapping variables are run within the program to ensure agreement with the initial Teambios selection. The process is quite complex but this is how we attain 69% to 82% accuracy during the specific lunar phases for which my DAS has been developed. The DAS predicts games in approximately two-thirds of the NFL season’s games. We have two other spreadsheets which involve the remaining one-third of the season’s games.

Three spreadsheets are used to make approximately 250 to 300 NFL picks for the 3-year testing period. The number of games will change annually based on the annual changes of the lunar phases. In the NFL there are usually 7 to 9 games which are selected weekly that meet the criteria that we have set to determine if there is enough of a difference between two teams.

“Dial Up” your Win Percentage:

An interesting aspect that we discovered over many years is that we can select the number of winning selections that we want to make available to the sports betting public. From many years of previous regression tests we can now determine the win percentage that is associated with that number of games. The example at the link, “Spreadsheet Wins” shows with 267 wins the win percentage is 69%. However, when the number of games is reduced to 79 wins the win percentage becomes 81.4%. There is a direct correlation between the number of games that are selected by Teambios and the win percentage that will arise during that season. There are reasons for variances from season to season such as injuries and varying lunar phases from year to year. What has happened last season may not be the same lunar phases that occur in the following year.

Teambios has taken these factors into consideration since we use current injuries from various sources and have coded in the lunar phases and the corresponding spreadsheets that will be required to accurately predict the outcome of games involved in that season. It should be noted that our regression testing is based on three years of NFL games.

In addition to computing individual biorhythms, this app is an enhanced and updated version of my original "BIORHYTHM SECRETS" software. This program allows you to enter several individual's names and birthdates to create a group or team. With this program coaches can determine which players will have the "hot hand" or be "in the zone" for all sports. Once Teambios is developed as an app or an online program we will have a website that will answer many questions about team biorhythms. I plan on including an extensive list of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Since Teambios can be used for all sports we will include in the website information to indicate which biorhythmic cycles or combination of cycles are most important for various sports and the various positions in each sport.



Linemen require physical and emotional pluses while the quarterback, receivers, and running backs have their best performance when the emotional and intellectual cycles are high and positive. I have also noted that defensive ends and defensive backs do well with an intellectual plus versus minuses and cautions. It appears that the reaction time to the ball to make the tackle is quicker when the player has an intellectual plus. I've also noted that the linemen that are called for penalties often have a Caution "C" emotionally and are low or have a negative or Caution intellectually. This would appear to relate to a player that is too intense emotionally and is making poor decisions intellectually.


As a coach, would it help you win more games if you knew which of the players would be playing well versus those that would be playing poorly? If your answer is "yes" then this program is just what you need. Depending upon the sport that you coach, biorhythms have a profound effect upon the performance of the players. If you have rosters which include names and birthdates of players on your team you can help the player understand that some days they will be “off” and may play poorly yet on other days they may play exceptionally well.

You can also do individual match-ups to capitalize on your opponent team's weaknesses in terms of negative bios. In other words, if you have one player with three pluses playing against someone with three minuses you'll want to have your player with the three pluses handle the ball more during the game or use that player in critical plays. For example, if it's a very close game and you need a score at the end of it, your chances are increased of winning if you use the right player to make that score. There are a number of other strategies for which knowing the biorhythmic differences between teams and players will be extremely useful to you. Let your creative thoughts expand on this to come up with some good, creative ideas.

THE COACHING PROFESSIONAL Teambios is our most accurate sports handicapping software of the NFL. A coach in the NCAA or NFL would have an extreme advantage over their opponents to where each of the executives of the NCAA, NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB, MLS should recommend that all coaches utilize it because the coaches who did not have access to Teambios would be at an unfair disadvantage.

As an example, if a coach knew which of his players would be in the zone and have exemplary performance potential they could design plays to utilize those players more often on the dates of their games. The coaches would know far in advance when this would occur since they can see the player’s biorhythms on future dates.

The other use for the coaches is that they can run the opposing player’s bios to determine

Which players have a double or triple minus which makes them highly ineffective. In this scenario they can assign their player with a double or triple positive to matchup against the disadvantaged player on the opposing team. Initially this would appear unfair but this issue can be similar to a team that trades for a star wide receiver, running back or quarterback who helps the team win more games.

Biorhythms are within all players so to consider the use of biorhythm unfair is itself unfair. It is the knowledge of knowing how to use the biorhythms in each of the players that creates the advantage for those who use Teambios and would be a disadvantage to those who do not. Perhaps it’s like many things in life where “Knowledge is Power”.

In 1996 when I obtained a copyright for Biocalendar and Teambios it was my intent to someday provide the results of my research to the world because biorhythms are not a secret. It is a God-given Gift to all of us that should not be kept a secret or hidden. For this reason I am attempting to develop Teambios into a mobile app to reach out globally.

Teambios would greatly improve the games in the NFL. As a small example, Teambios can accurately determine when an offensive line will have higher potential to make more “false starts”. This is just a small example of how the game can be improved. Another important one would be to verify that the referees and all those involved with making decisions about plays that occur on the field have a positive in the intellectual cycle.

Teambios should be completed as a mobile app or operable as an online program in 2025. It will mainly focus on the NFL because of the larger market of fans and sports bettors in this sport. Perhaps later, if funds are available, we can pursue developing mobile apps for many other sports.


Linemen require physical and emotional pluses while the quarterback, receivers, and running backs have their best performances when the emotional and intellectual cycles are high and positive. I have also noted that defensive ends and defensive backs do well with an intellectual plus versus minuses and cautions. It appears that the reaction time to the ball to make the tackle is quicker when the player has an intellectual positive. I've also noted that the linemen that are called for penalties often have a Caution "C" emotionally and are low or have a negative or Caution intellectually. This would appear to relate to a player that is too intense emotionally and is making poor decisions intellectually.


One principle of biorhythm that has been proposed by experts in the field is the "Law of Initial Value". For purposes here, the principle states that an individual with significantly greater ability and poor biorhythms will outperform someone with very poor ability and superior biorhythms. In other words, if the difference in abilities between the two is too great biorhythms will not affect the outcome. An example might be a professional heavyweight boxer fighting a lightweight boxer. The difference between the two is so great that even superior biorhythms within the lightweight will not help him to win. I mention this principle because it would follow that it also applies to teams. If the difference in ability between two teams is extreme, biorhythms may not affect the outcome.


Why Are Biorhythms so accurate in selecting winners versus the point spread?

Biorhythms are uniquely different from other handicapping methods because it doesn’t use Statistics and data from previous games. Sometimes handicappers who use statistics site games that may have been played many weeks or years previously. These previous games have little bearing on the current game being played and handicapped.

Good handicappers use current data and information about the teams and players that are on the field. The variable that they are missing is how well each player and each team will play in this game. This would appear to be an impossibility! How can it be possible to determine, in advance, how well a player or a team will play be fore they step onto the field?

This is the value of biorhythms and Teambios. It took 45 years to research, test and develop my software program but yes, it does accurately compute how well or how poorly players will be playing. In turn, it also lets you know how well or poorly the two teams on the field will be playing. Knowing this information, do you believe that you can determine the winner ATS?

For those who enjoy wagering on sports Teambios is very effective for determining winners against the point spread. All of our 3-year regression testing is based on selections Against the Spread (ATS).

for those who use Teambios and would be a disadvantage to those who do not. Perhaps it’s like many things in life where “Knowledge is Power”.


The interesting aspect of computing games with Teambios is that you can select or “dial in” the level or number of games in which you are interested. It all depends on the biorhythmic difference between the two teams. The greater the difference, the higher the percentage of wins. I’ve found that the games with the highest winning percentages occur less frequently than games with a lesser difference between two teams. So, if you settle for 60% accuracy you will get a very large number of games to bet on during the season. However, if you want 70% accuracy then you will obtain a lesser number fewer games per week which could be 3 to 5 games each week. This would depend on the games that Teambios selects which have a significant biorhythmic difference between the two teams. Usually, during an NFL season approximately one-third of the teams are selected by Teambios as selections in the NFL. These games will win between 60% to 78% of the time in the Data Analysis Spreadsheet.

What are the most important biorhythm cycles in sports?

Generally, in sports the most important cycle is the emotional cycle. If all factors external to biorhythm have been accounted for, the emotional cycle will govern how well an athlete will do in their chosen sport. The external factors which can affect performance and are unrelated to biorhythm are things such as training and experience, or lack thereof, injury, illness and many other physical and emotional distractions.

In professional sports the physical cycle is important but is not the primary factor since the athletes generally train hard on all teams bringing their physical capabilities up to similar levels.

The intellectual cycle is important in positions which require heightened mental abilities. Examples of these positions are quarterback in football and point guard in basketball.

In basketball, for example, I noted, after reviewing thousands of games that with both physical and emotional or emotional and intellectual cycles positive a player plays very well, often attains career highs, or has the "hot hand" in a game. Apparently, with both cycles positive ("double-positives") a player has the “touch” and confidence in his/her ability to make the shot or complete the pass.

If you've had handicapping success in the past and simply want to increase your percentage of wins – Teambios can help you. It will also help you find why you selected games incorrectly in the past that looked so much like a "lock". If you have not had a high percentage of wins and have decided to find a successful method of handicapping - Teambios will help you immensely!

To win consistently year after year you need four things:

If you supply the first three, Teambios will give you the fourth.


You will be able to see trends of how teams are playing and that their positive biorhythms closely follow this trend. If you run the bios into the future for several games, you will see these trends before they actually occur. This information would be very useful for coaches since they could see how various players are playing then see if the biorhythm matches their play. They could predict in advance, at least to some extent, how that player will perform with the same combination of biorhythms. This would also depend on who is guarding your player on the opposing team.

What is unique about Teambios is that a BioRating for each team is computed on the dates that they are playing their next games. If your team is playing well with a high BioRating they will also play well with the high BiorRating in their next game. This is why you see “streaks” of wins of several games in a row. Conversely, when your team has a low BioRating they will not play well and they will often have a streak of losses. What often happens when a very long winning streak occurs the BioRatings account for the results of some of the games and the additional games are where your team is playing significantly “weaker” teams while your team has just average Team BioRatings.

I've often wondered why more coaches don't use biorhythms to know in advance which players would have the "hot hand" or the ones that would be "off". I've certainly seen a great number of games that could have been won with just a few seconds left if the coach would have directed the players to get the ball to the right player with double or triple positives. Instead they pass the ball to their normal "go to guy" and the player would miss the crucial shot because he had very poor biorhythms. Unfortunately, that same player was playing poorly most of the game - yet they still will go to him because they design plays to get him the ball. When the go to player has poor bios the coach would make a better decision getting the ball to a good player with good bios at least with an emotional positive or if available, a player with a double or triple positive) (+, H, #).

In a study that I completed in June 2001 I compared the biorhythms of 275 NBA players when they attained their career high in scoring. In summary, the player with an emotional positive was twice as likely to attain a career high than a player with an emotional negative. If you’re a basketball coach which player would you depend on to make a crucial buzzer-beating shot?

Copyright 1996 Biosoft Global All Rights Reserved

BIOSOFT GLOBAL’S TEAMBIOS: Be sure to check out this fascinating and profitable software program and forthcoming mobile

App. See in advance how your favorite team will be playing - based on the entire team's biorhythms!

Q: Do biorhythms really work?

A: Yes, definitely! A great number of physicians and scientists have studied biorhythms and found that they affect all of us. Doctor Sigmund Freud’s friend and colleague, Doctor Wilhelm Fleiss discovered biorhythms as did Dr. Hermann Swoboda. I am following up with their findings and studying the results of their discoveries and applying technology (computers and software) to confirm the accuracy of the number of days in each biorhythmic cycle. Through the use of the law of large numbers I wanted to show that their discoveries of biorhythm affects us all and to varying degrees by creating values and BioRatings for people of the general public and athletes in various sports.

It may seem a bit unorthodox but what better way to use science in combination with sports handicapping where 2 million athletes have been examined in studies for over four decades in 160,000 NBA and NFL games?

with the use of a large number of test subjects in many studies I have confirmed that their three biorhythmic cycles, physical emotional and intellectual (PEI) play a significant role in our daily lives and our potential to succeed or fail in our important personal endeavors.

After 45 years of research I’ve found that athletes' performances are greatly affected by biorhythms. Please see the Biorhythm Secrets Journal to see how I determined which cycles are most important in various sports.

After 45 years of research I’ve found that athletes' performances are greatly affected by biorhythms. Please see the Biorhythm Secrets Journal to see how I determined which cycles are most important in various sports.

A: Extremely accurate. The accuracy depends on how significant the biorhythmic difference is between two teams. If there are three times as many positives on one team versus the other, I have obtained over 85% correct selections. This is a rare occurrence but it does show that if the difference between two teams is large, then the win percentage will be large. Conversely, if the difference between two teams is minimal then the percentage of accuracy is less. The percentage of correct handicapping selections (Picks) correlates directly with the amount of biorhythmic difference between the two teams.

Prior to my current enhancements of Teambios I won $283,000 in the 2017 NFL Supercontest with 66.5% winning picks for the 17-week season.

Today in 2024 I have made Teambios more accurate with the use of two spreadsheets where we run multiple years of games against the spread. In the Data Analysis Spreadsheet (DAS) I have over 30 columns with each of the column’s algorithms calculating at 60% and higher. During the testing of the columns in this spreadsheet I eliminated columns that did not obtain 60% or more in win percentage.

Each of the columns in the DAS calculates point values and are added across the spreadsheet to a final “PICK” which generates a win percentage of 70% over the two years of that test period.

We also have a Wax Moon spreadsheet which is based on specific lunar phases that only occur in one third of the season. The Wax Moon over three years has a record of 50 wins and 8 losses which equates to a win percentage of 86.2%. The downside of using this spreadsheet is that it only provides picks in about 6 weeks of the NFL season. However, when these lunar phases do occur be sure to take advantage of them since the 3 - year regression test indicates 92 wins and 37 losses ATS for a 71.3% win percentage.

The DAS is used in the other 12 weeks of the season and generates a 73.3% win percentage in the two year study.

An interesting aspect that we discovered over many years is that we can select the number of winning selections that we want to make available to the sports betting public. From many years of previous regression tests we can now determine the win percentage that is associated with that number of games. The example at the link, “Spreadsheet Wins” shows with 267 wins the percentage is 69%. However, when the number of games is reduced to 79 wins the win percentage becomes 81.4%.