A Brief History of Biorhythm

In the late 1800s and early 1900s there were two doctors that were instrumental in the study of biorhythm and are now considered to be the “fathers” of biorhythm theory. Dr. Hermann Swoboda was a Professor of Psychology at the University of Vienna and Dr. Wilhelm Fliess, a nose and throat specialist who was also a friend and colleague of the famous psychoanalyst, Dr. Sigmund Freud. Both of these renowned researchers performed extensive studies and wrote several papers, booklets and books about biorhythm. They came to very similar conclusions about the effects of biorhythm and the three cycles; physical, emotional and intellectual. Their nearly identical conclusions were obtained without the doctors ever working together on the subject. However, because of their work they are both considered to be co-discoverers of biorhythm.

What was it that they discovered?

Through their medical research both doctors found that there is very definite periodicity or rhythms in our lives. Their discoveries determined that we are affected by these rhythms physiologically, emotionally and intellectually.

To this day a great number of studies are still being done regarding the effects of biorhythm on the human condition.

Although biorhythms are not an exact science, the fathers of biorhythm theory have established the fact that they do exist. After reading the work of Drs. Fleiss and Swohoda I believed that using technology (software) and a large number of subjects in a study that I could more accurately determine dates on which all of us have the greatest potential to Succeed in our chosen fields.

The research that I have done and the data that I have accumulated and continue to accumulate aren’t medical studies. My interest and studies involving biorhythms lie in three areas: The recurrence of specific performance in sports, the effect of biorhythms on the general population and instances of unusual or serendipitous luck. The bulk of my studies have been involved with the emotional cycle since I believe that this is the primary cycle for determining success in business, sports, luck and our personal lives. I believe based on the data that I collected, that the emotional

cycle generates a positive mental attitude, confidence and an energy source which appears to be derived from the cosmos with which we are all connected. You can see that when combined with a positive intellectual cycle which generates good judgment, good memory and quick decisions it can yield a human who is somewhat “super”. Secondly in importance for high levels of performance is the intellectual cycle. If combined with a positive in the Emotional cycle an individual with a double – positive has the potential for exceptional performance in any of their endeavors.

Biorhythm Energy

For biorhythms to exist some form of energy must be present within all of us. One form of energy that occurs in cycles is electricity. Biorhythms appear to be affected by “electrical” energy within our bodies. Our bodies and each cell within it have an electrical charge, indeed, even the molecules and atoms of which our bodies consist have positive and negative charges. Scientists tell us that our bodies are essentially large batteries. This supports the hypotheses which indicate the involvement of energy for the existence of biorhythm. If we accept the fact that our bodies must generate energy to function, then it follows that there are periods in which we recharge, are fully charged and we deplete our energies.

Basic Biorhythms

Biorhythm consists of three cycles: physical, emotional and intellectual (P E I). In my copyrighted software programs, BioCalendar and Teambios, I have assigned symbols and numerical values to each of the cycles corresponding to the point or day within that cycle. (See the above chart).

The physical cycle consists of 23 days; the emotional cycle 28 days; and the intellectual cycle 33 days.

Note that the biorhythm sine-wave can be viewed to be in four sections:

There are also symbols and values representing the Caution or Critical days as well as Mini-Cautions or Mini-critical days.

Generally, above the line (positive) is better than below the line (negative) in each of the cycles. The section represented by the "+" and "#" symbols are the more favorable sections and conversely, the section represented by the "*" and "-" are less favorable than the positive sections above the line. The two negative sections which exist below the line can be likened to a battery where the "-" is depleting the energy and the "*" section is recharging the energy in a battery. The "+" section is fully charged and the "#" section is somewhat less than fully charged. (See the section under GOLF which describes the effects of positive versus negative phases in 121 PGA tournaments.


The + and # days will tend to yield better performance in physical endurance and strength while these attributes are diminished in the - and * sections. he "C" and "L" can cause an adverse effect upon the individual on specific dates in this cycle. Often the individual will become more tired than normal, timing will be off for sports, and there has even been some research indicating that a person is more susceptible to colds and other diseases on these dates because the immune system is somewhat diminished in its effectiveness.


In this cycle an individual may be more intense, over-react or take things too seriously with a Caution or mini-caution. The emotional cycle also governs what some researchers have called "bio-luck" which appears to be related to some form of positive mental attitude. But I believe it may be more than that and somewhat metaphysical in nature. I have recorded and experienced many highly unusual "lucky" events from lottery winners to golfers with holes-in-one. A significant number of these people had their emotional cycle at one of the two extremes: either the "H" representing the 8th day of the cycle or the "L" which represents the 22nd day of the cycle.

In science and metaphysical studies experts state that energy is within us and around us and exists within the cosmos. If we accept the existence of this energy then what one biorhythm expert stated makes a good deal of sense. He stated that we can liken biorhythm to a scenario where an individual enters a dark room and "hits" the light switch. In doing so sometimes a sudden surge of energy causes the bulb to burst its filament. Perhaps at specific points on each of the biorhythmic cycles we have an energy surge which creates "luck" or some unusual effect that science does not fully understand or can not explain. I believe the two points for unusual luck are at the "H" and "L" (mini-cautions).

Generally, a positive emotional cycle will produce better results in almost all of your endeavors. The higher you are on this cycle (for example, the 7th, 8th and 9th days of the 28-cycle) the more favorable are the outcomes.


This cycle governs judgment, decision-making and even memory. With an "L" or low point on the intellectual cycle you may find that it's difficult to recall phone numbers that you regularly call or names of people that you would normally remember.

With your intellectual cycle positive you will find that your mind is quite sharp - almost as though the synapses in your brain were working well because of enough energy to make sufficient contact at the synapse for energy to surge through the "brain switch".

Copyright 1996 - Harvey Makishima - All Rights Reserved