"c" & "C"
"H" & "L"
P 1, 12, 13 7, 18 2 - 6 8 - 11 14-17 19-23 Days in
E 1, 15, 16 8, 22 2 - 7 9 - 14 17-21 23-28 each
I 1, 17, 18 9, 26 2 - 8 10 - 16 19-25 27-33 cycle


Biorhythms are based upon the fact that many things within nature happen in cycles or things that occur and recur. Some examples of these kinds of cycles are: planets orbiting around the sun, migration of birds and fish; menstrual cycles - the list is almost endless as to the kinds of cycles that exist within nature. One form of energy that occurs in cycles is electricity. Biorhythm is affected by electrical energy within our bodies. Our bodies and each cell within it have an electrical charge, indeed, even the molecules and atoms of which our bodies consist have positive and negative charges. Scientists even tell us that our bodies are essentially large batteries. This supports the hypotheses below which indicate involvement of energy for the existence of biorhythm. Biorhythm consists of three cycles: physical, emotional and intellectual. In this program, I have assigned symbols and numerical values to each of the cycles corresponding to the point or day within that cycle. (See the above chart). The physical cycle consists of 23 days; the emotional cycle 28 days; and the intellectual cycle 33 days. Note that the biorhythm chart can be viewed to be in four sections: Ascending above the line: + Descending above the line: # Descending below the line: - Ascending above the line: * There are also symbols and values representing the Caution or Critical days as well as Mini-Cautions or Mini-critical days. Ascending cycle on the line: c (small) Descending cycle on the line: C (large) At the peak or apogee: H At the bottom or perigee: L Generally, above the line (positive) represented by the "+" or "#" is better than below the line (negative) in each of the cycles. The section represented by the "+" and "#" symbols are the more favorable sections and conversely, the section represented by the "*" and "-" are less favorable than the positive sections above the line. The two negative sections which exist below the line can be likened to a battery where the "-" is depleting the energy and the "*" section is recharging the energy in the battery. The "+" section is fully charged and the "#" section is somewhat less than fully charged.


The + and # days will tend to yield better performance in physical endurance and strength while these attributes are diminished in the - and * sections. The "C" and "L" can cause an adverse effect upon the individual on specific dates in this cycle. Often the individual will become more tired than normal, timing will be off for sports, and there has even been some research indicating that a person is more susceptible to colds on these dates because the immune system is somewhat diminished in its effectiveness.

Luck and Biorhythmic cycles

Extraordinarily, he found that each of us has four days when we have the most potential for highly unusual luck. Makishima realized that he could determine when these four days would occur by analyzing a person's biorhythms!


In this cycle an individual may be more intense, over-react or take things too seriously with a Caution or Mini-Caution. The emotional cycle also governs what some researchers have called "bio-luck" which appears to be related to some form of positive mental attitude. However, I believe it may be more than that and somewhat metaphysical innature. I have recorded and experienced many highly unusual "lucky" events from lottery winners to golfers with holes-in-one. A significant number of these people had their emotional cycle at one of the two extremes: either the "H" representing the 8th day of the emotional cycle or the "L" which represents the 22nd day of the cycle. In science and metaphysical studies experts state that energy is within us and around us and exists within the cosmos. If we accept the existence of this energy then general consensus among some biorhythm researchers would indicate that we can liken biorhythm to a scenario where an individual enters a dark room and "hits" the light switch. In doing so sometimes a sudden surge of energy causes the bulb to burst its filament. Perhaps at specific points on the emotional cycle we have an energy surge which creates "luck" or some unusual effect that science does not fully understand or can not explain. I believe the four points for unusual luck are at the "H" and "L" “C” and “X” (mini-caution and Caution dates). However, purchasing lottery tickets on these dates will not guarantee a win, but this idea can save you a good deal of money. If you purchase lottery tickets on only those two dates you can save money by not purchasing tickets for the remainder of the month. You will then optimize your chance of winning since I have found that you're more likely to have highly unusual luck on those two dates. You may also be surprised at how well you do in other games of chance on those dates. You should, however, recall the example above about the light switch, where the bulb only bursts "sometimes" when the switch is turned on. In other words, simply because you are at the point in your biorhythmic cycle where you have the mini-caution does not guarantee superior luck. Instead, the way to view this is that when you beat very difficult odds, it most likely will be on the mini-caution and Caution days.


This cycle governs judgment, decision-making and even memory. With an "L" or low point on the intellectual cycle you'll find that it's difficult to recall phone numbers that you regularly call or names of people that you would normally remember. With your intellectual cycle positive you'll find that your mind is quite sharp - almost as though the synapses ("brain switches") were working well because of enough energy to make sufficient contact for energy to surge through the synapses.


After completing a 45-year study on the effects of biorhythm upon the human condition, I have compiled the results into a fascinating software program. Simply enter your name and birth date into the database to compute your biorhythm for any date in the future or in the past. You will find very interesting "descriptions" of what your day will be like for various combinations of the three biorhythmic cycles. These descriptions are based upon numerous events recorded over the past forty-five years supporting the effects of biorhythm. The descriptions are designed to enable you to take advantage of positive points in each of the three biorhythmic cycles and make you aware of times where difficulties may arise. This will enable you to optimize your physical, emotional and intellectual attributes allowing you to get the most from who you are. Several symbols represent specific points in each of the cycles. See the chart below to identify the symbols that are assigned to represent each section of the biorhythmic cycle. Be sure to find the secrets of a lifetime by finding the symbols "H" and “C”, “X” and "L" in your biorhythm – when these symbols show up on the screen output of my program, you have the potential for highly unusual luck. These are the four luckiest days in your life.


There are a number scientific reasons why the performance of a player is affected by biorhythm . We have expanded the effect of biorhythm on an athlete to measure the effect on an entire team's performance. In addition to computing individual biorhythm, this Windows program is an enhanced and updated version of the original "BIORHYTHM SECRETS". This program allows you to enter several individuals' names and birthdates to create a group or team. With this new program coaches can determine which individual players will have the "hot hand" or be "in the zone" for all sports. A booklet is included with this software program which will indicate which biorhythmic cycles or combination of cycles are most important for various sports.


For many reasons NBA basketball is the best sport to follow in conjunction with this program. Athletes in other sports are affected by biorhythms but there are different cycles which affect athletes in various sports. Needless to say, a plus in each of the three cycles would logically be the best combination of biorhythms to do well in a specific sport. However, I've found that it's not necessary to have all three cycles in a positive mode. As mentioned earlier, basketball requires pluses in both emotional and physical cycles or emotional and intellectual cycles for exceptional play.


The intellectual cycle appears to be very important for pitchers and hitters. Although exceptional play occurs with pluses in the emotional and intellectual cycles. Again, a positive in each cycle would be the most favorable for heightened performance.


The intellectual cycle is critical in bowling since there are numerous decisions and adjustments to consider where precision is extremely important. Having stated this, I've found that there's a fair amount of luck involved in toppling those pins - sometimes they fall and at other times they don't. After tracking several bowlers biorhythms as well as my own I've found that our better scores occur when we are in a positive emotional phase. The positive mental attitude blended with a little luck appears to have a bearing on bowlers' performances. The physical cycle is not critical since strength and endurance are not tested in this sport. Bowling will be an area of further study.


Biorhythm is highly accurate for one-on-one sports such as boxing. In fact, it's so accurate that all boxers and their trainers should be aware of the biorhythm of the boxer on the date that he's to fight. If he’s not positive on the emotional cycle it would be best to postpone the date of the fight. The reason as told to me by some boxers is that they have to "know" and "feel" that they can beat the opponent. This is where the positive mental attitude comes into play which is influenced by the emotional cycle. The physical cycle is important because of the requirement of endurance and strength in this sport. I have recorded a number of upsets when the underdog had a plus in each cycle and the favorite had poor bios. I believe the order of importance of the three cycles for boxing is: Emotional, physical, then intellectual. A prudent trainer or boxer would insure that the fighter had three pluses whenever he fought and ideally the opponent had a descending negative "-" in each of the three cycles.


Have you ever noticed that on certain days you have no problem catching more and bigger fish than your fishing partner. Then, on other days he or she can do much better than you? Believe it or not, biorhythm can affect how well you'll do when fishing. It certainly isn't the only reason that can affect how well you'll do but, all else being equal, the person with the emotional plus or even better, three pluses, will generally do much better than the fisher-person with negative bios. If you fish competitively or professionally you must track your biorhythmic pluses and try to compete in tournaments when this occurs. This will increase your chances of doing well in the tournaments in which you are participating and save you entry fees when you most likely will have poor luck. The days that are best for fishing will be those in which you have a +, #, or H on the emotional cycle.


Linemen require physical and emotional pluses while the quarterback, receivers, and running backs have their best performance when the emotional and intellectual cycles are high and positive. I have also noted that defensive ends and defensive backs do well with an intellectual plus versus minuses and cautions. It appears that the reaction time to the ball to make the tackle is quicker when the player has an intellectual plus. I've also noted that the linemen that are called for penalties often have a Caution "C" emotionally and are low or have a Caution intellectually. This would appear to relate to a player that is too intense emotionally and is making poor decisions intellectually


This sport also requires the intellectual and the emotional cycle to be positive for the best scores. I have tracked many golfers that have had their lifetime best with a positive in both emotional and intellectual cycles. Not surprisingly, a minus in the physical cycle did not appear to affect the play of those golfers since excessive strength and endurance are not usually a primary requirement for playing well. During the PGA Tournaments for 1990, 1991, and 1992 the biorhythms of the first place winners in each of the 121 tournaments were calculated. (There were 126 PGA tournaments played however, I did not have birthdates of 5 of the champions). The following interesting data was obtained from the analysis:


Have you ever noticed that on certain days you have no problem catching more and bigger fish than your fishing partner. Then, on other days he or she can do much better than you? Believe it or not, biorhythm can affect how well you'll do when fishing. It certainly isn't the only reason that can affect how well you'll do but, all else being equal, the person with the emotional plus or even better, three pluses, will generally do much better than the fisher-person with negative bios. If you fish competitively or professionally you must track your biorhythmic pluses and try to compete in tournaments when this occurs. This will increase your chances of doing well in the tournaments in which you are participating and save you entry fees when you most likely will have poor luck. The days that are best for fishing will be those in which you have a +, #, or H on the emotional cycle.

Of the 121 tournaments

As this data indicates, the emotional cycle which is negative and descending has a very unfavorable impact upon performance in golf. I've found this to be the case in every sport with which I've been involved or for which I've collected and analyzed data. From the above information it appears that if you have a choice to play in a golf tournament you should play in one that occurs when you are positive in the emotional cycle and not in a descending negative phase. The table below better illustrates the results of the 3-year study of the PGA tournament champions and the general effect of biorhythm upon golfers.

Biorhythm Phase   No. of PGA Winners

+   49
#   30
*   25
-   11
L   6
The "L" represents the phases where ascending and descending days both occurred within the four-day tournament.


This sport also requires a plus in the emotional cycle to insure peak performance. A double-plus (positive in both physical and emotional cycle or emotional and intellectual cycles) produces exceptional performance.


All three cycles are important in this sport. If it's a long grueling match, endurance and stamina are important factors in the outcome of the match. As in most sports the tennis player must be emotionally "up" to the challenge of playing against their opponent. The intellectual cycle is constantly tested because any mental lapse can easily cost a point. Too many mental lapses will cost a set and eventually the match.


As a coach would it help you win more games if you knew which of the players would be playing well versus those that would be playing poorly? If your answer is "yes" then this program is just what you need. Depending upon the sport that you coach, biorhythms have a profound affect upon the performance of the players. If you have rosters which include names and birthdates of players on your team and the opponent's team simply input the data as described in the OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section of this booklet. The next step is to compare your team's overall biorhythmic rating versus your opponent's. If your team's rating is significantly higher your team will do quite well. You can also do individual match-ups to capitalize on your opponent team's weaknesses in terms of negative bios. In other words, if you have one player with three pluses playing against someone with three minuses you'll want to have your player with the three pluses handle the ball more during the game or use that player in critical plays. For example, if it's a very close game and you need a score at the end of it, your chances are increased of winning if you use the right player to make that score. There are a number of other strategies for which knowing the biorhythmic differences between teams and players will be extremely useful to you. Let your creative thoughts expand on this to come up with some good ideas.


As a coaching parent have you had kids' parents become a bit miffed at you because you didn't play their child enough or at all? With this program you can show an unbiased method as to whom you play since your print out will show which of the kids have positive or favorable biorhythms. Each player would have a chance to play since biorhythms run in cycles and sooner or later each child would have pluses (+,#,H) in a game. If you find for a particular child that this does not occur because you must play games on a specific day of the week you may have already noted that the child does not play well on that day of the week. You can then adjust your strategy as a coach to ensure that the child does play recognizing the disadvantage the child is under.


One principle of biorhythm that has been proposed by experts in the field is the "Law of Initial Value". For purposes here, the principle states that an individual with significantly greater ability and poor biorhythms will outperform someone with very poor ability and superior biorhythms. In other words, if the difference in abilities between the two is too great biorhythms will not affect the outcome. An example might be a professional heavyweight boxer fighting a lightweight boxer. The difference between the two is so great that even superior biorhythms within the lightweight will not help him to win. I mention this principle because it would follow that it also applies to teams. If the difference in ability between two teams is extreme, biorhythms may not affect the outcome.


For those who enjoy wagering on sports this program is very effective for determining winners against the point spread. Simply follow the directions in the Biorhythm Secrets Journal to select a winner at above 60% or at whatever accuracy you choose. It all depends upon the biorhythmic difference between the two teams. The greater the difference the higher the percentage of wins. I have found that the games with the highest winning percentages occur less frequently than games with lesser difference between two teams. (See the (section on Ratios) Many people have had great success using biorhythms with their sports forecasting but have not had the convenience and accuracy that this program provides. Generally, in sports the most important cycle is the emotional cycle. If all factors external to biorhythm have been accounted for, the emotional cycle will govern how well an athlete will do in their chosen sport. The external factors which can affect performance and are unrelated to biorhythm are things such as training and experience, or lack thereof, injury, illness and many other physical and emotional distractions. In professional sports the physical cycle is important but is not the primary factor since the athletes generally train hard on all teams bringing their physical capabilities up to similar levels. The intellectual cycle is important in specific positions which require heightened mental abilities. Examples of these positions are quarterback in football and point guard in basketball. In basketball, for example, I noted, after reviewing thousands of games that with both physical and emotional or emotional and intellectual cycles positive a player plays very well, often attains career highs, or has the "hot hand". Apparently, with both cycles positive ("double-pluses") a player has the “touch” and confidence in his/her ability to make the shot. The player does what he's normally suppose to do but with this combination of bios he does it better. If he normally blocks shots, gets steals or rebounds he will do it better with double-pluses.
To win consistently year after year you need four things:

  1. Sufficient Bankroll
  2. Money Management
  3. Discipline
  4. A method that selects winners above 52.9% of the time.
If you supply the first three, this program gives you the fourth.
• You may find it more convenient to list the team names in abbreviated form as has been done in this program already. The following are the abbreviated names with the corresponding team name spelled out.

Bio Analysis:

The above example was a game played on February 2, 1996. Note that there were 7 players on Cleveland's team with emotional pluses and only 3 with emotional pluses on Phoenix's team. The result of the game was that Cleveland won handily and tied an NBA record for most three-point baskets in a game. The score: Cleveland 107 Phoenix 85. An interesting thing occurred in this game as well. Phoenix was to have Danny Manning return from an injury for the first time in months and Phoenix had been playing well. With the return of Manning, the betting public felt that Phoenix would win the game because the spread at one major international sports betting service went from Cleveland favored by 2 1/2 to Phoenix favored by 3 1/2. Based upon what my software program indicated Cleveland would be the correct play and as it turned out an easy win. The betting public could only guess at the impact that Manning would have on the "rejuvenated" Phoenix Suns. Note that Manning had poor biorhythms with three minuses. The betting public couldn’t have known that the Cleveland team had such great biorhythms.
In the above example there are 5 Cleveland players with double pluses . This is derived by counting each +, H or # in each player's physical (P), emotional (E) and intellectual (I) cycles. The player must have positives in both cycles to be counted. (in bold print). Phoenix had only two players with double pluses
If this ratio of double pluses is 2 : 1 or higher then it is a potential winner versus the point spread. An example would be a team with 5 double pluses versus the opponent with only 1 double plus
Your best percentages of wins will be when you use this double plus method in conjunction with the emotional positive comparison as shown above.
In a situation where you have a higher number of emotional pluses on the team you have selected yet the opposing team has more double pluses, it would be best to pass on that game and not bet it.

Bio analysis of Superbowl XXXV:

The most significant difference between the two teams was that Baltimore had 9 players with double pluses while the NY Giants had only two players with double pluses. The other major factor was that the Ravens had a bio-rating of 10 using my software program and in contrast the Giants had only a 1. The interesting item of note was that in the previous playoff game on January 14, 2001 where the Giants played the Vikings, the Giants had a rating of 13 and defeated the Vikings 41 to 0. Then, just two weeks later the Giants rating dropped dramatically in the Superbowl to a 1. Destiny or Biorhythms?


You will be able to see trends of how teams are playing and that their positive biorhythms closely follow this trend. If you run the bios into the future for several games, you will see these trends on paper before they actually occur. This information would be very useful for coaches since they could see how various players are playing then see if the biorhythm matches their play. They could predict in advance, at least to some extent, how that player will perform with the same combination of biorhythms. I've often wondered why more coaches don't use biorhythms to know in advance which players would have the "hot hand" or the ones that would be "off". I've certainly seen a great number of games that could have been won with just a few seconds left if the coach would have directed the players to get the ball to the right player with double or triple pluses. Instead they pass the ball to their normal "go to guy" and the player would miss the crucial shot because he had very poor biorhythms. Unfortunately, that same player was playing poorly most of the game - yet they still will go to him because they design plays to get him the ball. When the go to player has poor bios the coach would make a better decision getting the ball to a good player with good bios at least with an emotional positive or if available, a player with a double-plus (+, H, # in the physical and emotional cycles or emotional and intellectual cycles). In a study that I completed in June 2001 I compared the biorhythms of 275 NBA players when they attained their career high in scoring. In summary, the player with an emotional positive was twice as likely to attain a career high than a player with an emotional negative. If you’re a coach which player would you depend on to make a crucial buzzer-beating shot?

Copyright 1996 - Harvey Makishima